Search for commentaries – I Timothy 5

Our Responsibilities toward the Elderly & Widowed
Paul tells Timothy how important it is that he has a right attitude as he deals with people in the church. Since Timothy was a younger man, he might be tempted to ignore the older members. (1) To older people we must show affection and respect (vv. 1-2). An older man is to be treated like a ...

How godly Widows should act
In this passage, Paul identifies two kinds of widows: those who should receive extra help from the church and those who should not. Here are Paul’s qualifications for worthy widows: (1) Not less than 60 Years old (v. 9). She should be elderly. The implication is that she would be gladly working ...

What does it mean to be given “double honor?”
In this passage the Apostle Paul turns to admonitions and instructions concerning the elders of a church. To get a church operating as it ought to is more important than maintaining good schools, or electing strong officials to office, or building a sound economic base in this country; it is far ...