God’s Judgement Came to Jerusalem Charles Swindoll has appropriately titled this chapter “Words from the Woodshed.” The first 10
verses depict the anger of God as He systematically destroys the city in judgement. The
included the physical dwellings (v. 2), palaces (vv. 5,7) and strongholds ( …
The Prophet Cried Out in Anguish Over Jerusalem This passage contains Jeremiah’s anguished cry as he wept over the destruction of the city he
had loved and he calls for the
people to cry out to God (vv. 11-19). He vividly portrays five sketches of Jerusalem’s condition
which prompted his cry:Of the
starvation that had de …
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God’s Judgement Came to Jerusalem
Charles Swindoll has appropriately titled this chapter “Words from the Woodshed.” The first 10 verses depict the anger of God as He systematically destroys the city in judgement. The destruction included the physical dwellings (v. 2), palaces (vv. 5,7) and strongholds ( …
The Prophet Cried Out in Anguish Over Jerusalem
This passage contains Jeremiah’s anguished cry as he wept over the destruction of the city he had loved and he calls for the people to cry out to God (vv. 11-19). He vividly portrays five sketches of Jerusalem’s condition which prompted his cry:Of the starvation that had de …