Related commentaries – Worship

What is True Worship – Psalms 92:1 – 92:15

Patience Can Turn Wrath to Worship

Waiting for a light to change at an intersection was a man in a car anxious to make a right turn. He was impatient because the car in front of him would not make a right turn. He did not see the pedestrian in the crosswalk for whom the man in front was waiting. Furiously he honked his horn and raced his motor. When the car in front of him finally cleared the intersection the angry motorist took off with his tires squealing while glaring and shaking his fist at the man in front. In the process he didn’t see the patrol car at the other side of the intersection. Quickly with his siren and flashing lights going he proceeded to give a citation. It would be easy to say that he got what was coming to him.  (Source Unknown)