Concern For Believers Going Through Trials The chapter begins with a request for prayer (vv. 1-2), a word of encouragement concerning God’s
faithfulness (vv. 3-4) and a short prayer (v. 5). Evidently Paul had heard that the Thessalonians were
praying for him, and he asks them to keep on doing that. His request …
Slackers And Busybodies in The Church The word command means a military order. Some of the Christian soldiers in the church at Thessalonica were breaking rank and disobeying orders, and Paul had to admonish them. We find disorderly conduct (v. 6) and busybodies (v. 11) in the Thessalonian Church and Paul deals with t …
Search for commentaries | II Thessalonians
Search for commentaries – II Thessalonians 3
Concern For Believers Going Through Trials
The chapter begins with a request for prayer (vv. 1-2), a word of encouragement concerning God’s faithfulness (vv. 3-4) and a short prayer (v. 5). Evidently Paul had heard that the Thessalonians were praying for him, and he asks them to keep on doing that. His request …
Slackers And Busybodies in The Church
The word command means a military order. Some of the Christian soldiers in the church at Thessalonica were breaking rank and disobeying orders, and Paul had to admonish them. We find disorderly conduct (v. 6) and busybodies (v. 11) in the Thessalonian Church and Paul deals with t …