The Law of Liberty

We can see in our national headlines the power of unity to fulfill a common goal. Each of us will never forget what happened September 11, 2001. Out of that terrible day we saw our nation join ... More


Divisions and contentions have always been a problem for believers. Almost every local church mentioned in the New Testament had divisions. The Galatian Christians were “biting and devouring” one another (Galatians 5:15). The Corinthians had members who were suing one another (I Corinthians 1:10-13; 6:1-8). The saints in Ephesus and Colossi had to be reminded that Christian unity is important (Ephesians 4:1-3; Colossians 2:1-2) and the church at Philippi had two women who were quarreling with each other and were about to split the church (Philippians 4:1-3). Now we find the believers in Rome divided over special days and diets. Some of the members thought it was a sin to eat meat and so they ate only vegetables. Others had differing opinions on what special days were to be “holy days” and what ones weren’t. Unfortunately, we have similar problems today in many areas of life that are not clearly spelled out as right and wrong.

Paul addresses those who are “weak in the faith” (those who wanted everyone to follow certain rules of what they ate and when they worshiped) and those “strong in the faith” (those who did not feel bound by these man-made rules (v. 1). Each group were judging and condem­ning each other. Paul explained that belie­vers can disagree on the nonessentials and still maintain unity in the church. The first step is to keep those kinds of convictions to ourselves and stop trying to force them on others. Each Christian needs to examine his own heart and be sure he is doing what he feels the Lord would have him do.


It is so easy to look down on other Christians who do not live by all the same standards that I do. If I am to act as a mature Christian, I must be sensitive to the consciences of other Christians.

Romans 14:1-6 (English Standard Version)

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